Sunday 16 February 2014

Wow. i never thought i would find myself writing a blog. but i figured at times like this when im going through exams and getting ready to take on the rest of the world outside of richmond and school i feel like a blog wouldn't be a bad idea. so here i am, day 1!

so far i havent really got much to write about. i've been playing games and watching 3D movies with friends and so far today nothing really interesting has happened. not alot happens im my life really, lol.

On friday which would have been the 14th i believe, i had to sit a german writing assessment for my GCSE and i genuinely was worried about it for about 2 months before sitting the exam because the topic was environment and in all honestly i didnt even know what any of my paragraphs ment in english  haha but with the help and encouragement of my friends and my teacher especially for pushing me as hard as she could to make me do the best i could i feel like ive done really well ! i think i should listen to my teachers and friends more when they say "you can do it James!" and "your perfectly capable of doing this, you just need to work hard, because success wont get handed to you on a plate for free !" and i hope to god i do not have to re-sit the assessment :P. 

i think i might help some of my friends out with there assessment because one of my friends is really confident that he has to re-sit so i figured why the hell not. if i can do it then why not show it? so ill probably ask if i can read through his work and recommend some things he could add to his work and also try and sit with him and help him remember it. 

well in fairness i feel like ive got nothing else to write about. im not sure whether to make this a daily thing or weekly thing. i think ill start it as a weekly thing because then ill have more to write about because i can talk about my entire week!. 

but thank you anyone who reads this because atleast i know someone is taking an interest lol xP

Twitter: @minecr4ftmonk3y

email me: "email for blogging coming soon :P"